A Series of Summer Events and YOU!
We are educators, artists, advocates, sustainable builders, authors, makers, poets, and so much more. We are a collective and collaborative group that feel, that together we can create a world, a little more gentle, and foster lifelong, heart-centered learning.
We strive to create lifelong, heart-centered learners, and believe that a Folk School model sets the perfect home for serving the whole community through all ages and stages of development. Through the creation of courses, advocacy and more that uplift our community in Norfolk, Virginia, we provide wheels of support in the Ocean View area and beyond.
We believe that there should be hyper local community spaces so that everyone can be cared for regardless of distance.
We believe that by offering online, hybrid and in person course offerings and advocacy we can also meet a global need and connect global learning.
We follow a Montessori, Regio Emilia, Waldorf and Nature based approach and believe by adjusting and taking the best of all programs we can mold the method to the learner not the learner to the method.
As we start our summer series, we are in the infancy of our programs, as for our women's advocacy, we have served over 150 women in the Ocean View area and beyond. We keep our monthly advocacy low cost and often provide over and beyond just monthly care.
We have helped many through restorative justice and support and that seems to be very important in these times.
We have a strong desire to promote advocacy in healthy relationships, and support of our most vulnerable. We focus highly on women and children, because we know that
"if you take care of the women and children, the next seven generations is secured" - Lakota
As stated, We believe in Collaboration versus competition and provide support for educators, artists, and more. We provide through a non competitive belief, the opportunity to maintain sovereignty over their work and products while collaborating to bolster our community. We highlight women specifically in our Blog issues the Hive, to promote our cottage industries and the heart visions of women. Through our YouTube series we bring education and awareness as well to foster knowledge, and talking about the things we do not talk about.
Join us on our summer journey to help get our dreams on the way, and provide safe, Montessori based, STEAM based interactive classes for our youth and adults.